June 2024
There have been no reported Infection Control Incidents Identified in the Practice in the last year.
The Practice undertakes an annual Infection Control Inspection with the local team, there were no issues identified at the most recent visit at Hillview December 2022 and Farnsfield January 2023. The Practice also performs its own Infection Control Audit, undertaken by Infection Control Lead every 3 months at Hillview surgery 18.05.24 and at Farnsfield surgery 12.06.24. The issues detected at this Audit are discussed at both Practice and Nurse meetings – an example of this would be to tighten up on tidiness in Clinical Rooms, to report back to the cleaning team any issues detected – for example dust on the high rails and cupboards.
The Practice team undertakes annual Infection Control training and undertakes a hand hygiene audit, as well as regular spillage training, to ensure best practice.
The Practice undertakes screening of both drug fridges, temperatures are tested twice a day and recorded, there have been no cold chain incidents reported.
Every 6 months the privacy curtains are replaced as per guidance, earlier if any visible soiling.
Infection control policies are updated regularly within guidance.
Clinical staff are reminded and responsible for the safe disposable of sharps within recommended guidelines- there have been no reported incidents in the past year.